“It’s not just a brush, it’s an experience.
A ritual. It’s life changing and it’s your life.”


Blog, Blogging, Bloggers!

You might be thinking, ‘What is a blog?’, ‘Why do I need to blog?’, ‘Who reads a blog?’ and so on. I’ve asked myself the same question a million times over, but the truth is it’s all about reinforcing your brand, and giving people who are interested more information.

Blogging is an important platform at your fingertips to reach people across the globe. It’s a way to inform people of your news, tips, advice and any useful information you think others would benefit from. What about a competition you’ve just entered, or an upcoming exhibition? We’ve just launched a new blog at Rosemary & Co and I’d like to invite you to take a look. Our blog includes frequently asked questions, upcoming events, product reviews and extended information from the newsletters. If you’ve got something you’d like us to share on our blog, get in touch.

My top tips for your blog would be to make it simple, memorable, and inviting. Give people a reason to be interested in you, and your art.


Posted By:
May 5, 2016