The Beautiful Artwork of Phil Courtney
Phil Courtney is a long-time user of Rosemary Brushes and it is about time we shared his absolutely stunning work with you all. Phil graduated from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts located in Philadelphia and has been in the industry ever since. Exquisite both in Oil and Watercolour, Phil always manages to capture the beauty of his subject material.
I am amazed how he gets his paintings to look so realistic, especially with the sheer size of the canvases, (some 41″ x 57″!). To get the perspective and proportion so on point, I think you will agree it can be a challenge even on a smaller scale, but Phil does it with such precision and realism, and I can only imagine the patience he puts into them!
The oil painting below -Magnolia Seed Pod 22″ x 54″ – oil on canvas, is featured in the July/August 2021 of Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine and it was painted solely using only Rosemary brushes!
If you would like to see more of Phil’s fantastic work and to see his process, workshops and online shop, please check out his website: www.philcourtney.com
Thank you Phil for allowing me to show off your art! The watercolours are my personal favourite, especially “The Wooden Rabbit”!